Changing Lives Through Clean Water and Christ Around the Globe


At Quenched, our mission is to bring both clean water and the gospel to global communities. What makes us different from other international water charities is our commitment to offering both a physical and spiritual solution in developing countries. Since our founding in 2015, we have served over 73,000 people with clean and reliable water for their daily needs. 

There are millions more who are not so fortunate. We truly believe that God is at work through Quenched and ask for your prayers that He will continue to advance the work in a way that only He can do. In addition to your prayers, please consider donating. Overhead costs are covered by private donors so 100% of your gift will go to the field to dig clean water wells and train disciples. We would be honored if you would join us as we help unreached people living without this basic necessity.

We partner with local pastors who identify communities in need and introduce them to Jesus. Local workers dig a clean water well, providing a life changing resource. Once installed, the well is dedicated at a ceremony by the local pastor who shares the Living Water of Jesus. A village is renewed and hopefully, a faith community is born.

Click here to find out more about the work we do in India and Nepal. For an example of the impact our wells have had upon the communities we serve, please fill out the form below to receive a free project report. It tells the story of one community in Nepal whose lives were changed by a single village well.

Matt MacLean